Sunday, October 21, 2012

Getting Ready for Winter Storage

Saturday I went to the boat yard to continue the winterization process.  I had to drive around the yard slowly to find where they park the boat.  Since I told them I planned to put it back in the water in early April, they put me on the outside of the row.  Makes for easy access.

When they hauled the boat out of the water they power spray the bottom.  It looks pretty good.  No need for painting next season.   J

Found Thanks Dad next to a 50-55 footer on Saturday
I removed most items from the boat including the sails, lines, electronics, bilge pump and many other miscellaneous items.  I also “winterized” the head by flushing anti freeze through the system.

On Sunday I fabricated a frame for a winter cover.  I used 1” Schedule 40 PVC pipe.  I designed it so that I will be able to remove the bow and stern pulpit, stanchions and life lines.  I plan to have the bow and stern pulpits straightened over the winter.  I also plan to straighten and sand blast the stanchions.  The frame design should be good for this year without the pulpits and stanchions and it will also work for subsequent years when they are left in place.

The frame has a “T” fitting at the base of each leg which is 36” high.  Then it goes to a “45” degree fitting, another straight piece and then to a “T” at the peak.  The height above the deck is high enough to easily get around the entire boat. 
"T" fitting tied to the base of each stanchion
"45" degree fitting at the top of the "36" leg
Working around the mast (aft side)

Working around the Mast

I sprayed each fitting with silicon spray so that it will hopefully come apart easily next spring.  I plan to drill a pilot hole and then use a stainless steel screw at each fitting to make sure everything holds together.

Finished frame looking forward

Finished frame looking aft.
Frame in the bow


Sunday, October 14, 2012

Final weekend before hauling the boat for the winter....... was a bust : (

No sailing this weekend.

Saturday and Sunday both had lots of rain and even some thunder.

Sunday afternoon my brother and I brought the boat from the marina over to the boat yard in the rain.  There were tornado warnings in the county just south of the marina.  We didn’t experience anything other than rain for most of the trip and the rain stopped as we got close to the boat yard.

When we arrived at the yard, we kept the engine running to keep it hot. 

We closed the seacock for the engine cooling water and poured antifreeze into the water filter for the engine to get that step of the winterization process complete. 

We were also able to take the mainsail off the mast and stow it before the rain started back up.

The boat is scheduled to be hauled early this coming week.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Bi-Polar Winds

I didn’t get the chance to go sailing on Saturday because the refrigerator at home decided to die Saturday morning just as I was getting ready to leave the house to go sailing.

On Sunday I went sailing with my brother. 
With only 1 week end left before we have the boat hauled out of the water, we had the holding tank for the head pumped out and filled up the fuel tank before heading out for the day’s sail.
The temperatures were on the “brisk” side with a high of 49 degrees while we were out sailing.  We both wore long johns, but for most of the day we only had to wear a sweatshirt.  With the sun out it was ok.  Towards the end of the day more clouds were overhead and with the sun behind the clouds it motivated us to put our jackets on, but it was still pretty comfortable.
The winds were all over the place in both speed and direction.  The wind speed ranged from 6 to 20 knots, picking up and slowing down and picking up and slowing down again many times. The direction of the wind was changing from coming out of the west to the north and then back again several times.
All in all it was a good day for a sail.
Last week I bought a new kite for my Kite Cam.  The wingspan was 50” compared to the 41” wingspan of my first kite.  I figured that would be enough to get the camcorder up.  I did not open the kite’s package though and once I did it was a big disappointment.  Yes the wingspan was bigger, but overall it was a tiny kite.  I pretty much knew it wasn’t going to work, but gave it a try anyway…it didn’t work.